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Judaism For Dummies
Cover of Judaism For Dummies
Judaism For Dummies
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Your plain-English guide to Judaism

Whether you're interested in the religion or the spirituality, the culture or the ethnic traditions, Judaism For Dummies explores the full spectrum of Judaism, dipping into the mystical, meditative, and spiritual depth of the faith and the practice. 

In this warm and welcoming book, you'll find coverage of: Orthodox Jews and breakaway denominations; Judaism as a daily practice; the food and fabric of Judaism; Jewish wedding ceremonies; celebrations and holy days; 4,000 years of pain, sadness, triumph, and joy; great Jewish thinkers and historical celebrities; and much more. 

  • Updates to the "recent history" section with discussions of what has happened in the first decade of the twenty-first century including: the expansion of orthodox political power in Israel; expansion of interfaith work; unfortunate recent anti-Semitic events; and other news
  • Expanded coverage of Jewish mysticism and meditation, which has become increasingly popular in recent years
  • New coverage on Jewish views of morality, including birth control, homosexuality, and environmental concerns
  • Revised recipes for traditional Jewish cooking, updated key vocabulary, and Yiddish phrases everyone should know
  • Jews have long spread out to the corners of the world, so there are significant Jewish communities on many continents. Judaism For Dummies offers a glimpse into the rituals, ideas, and terms that are woven into the history and everyday lives of Jewish people as near as our own neighborhoods and as far-reaching as across the world.


    P.S. If you think this book seems familiar, you�re probably right. The Dummies team updated the cover and design to give the book a fresh feel, but the content is the same as the previous release of Judaism For Dummies (9781118407516). The book you see here shouldn�t be considered a new or updated product. But if you�re in the mood to learn something new, check out some of our other books. We�re always writing about new topics!

    Your plain-English guide to Judaism

    Whether you're interested in the religion or the spirituality, the culture or the ethnic traditions, Judaism For Dummies explores the full spectrum of Judaism, dipping into the mystical, meditative, and spiritual depth of the faith and the practice. 

    In this warm and welcoming book, you'll find coverage of: Orthodox Jews and breakaway denominations; Judaism as a daily practice; the food and fabric of Judaism; Jewish wedding ceremonies; celebrations and holy days; 4,000 years of pain, sadness, triumph, and joy; great Jewish thinkers and historical celebrities; and much more. 

  • Updates to the "recent history" section with discussions of what has happened in the first decade of the twenty-first century including: the expansion of orthodox political power in Israel; expansion of interfaith work; unfortunate recent anti-Semitic events; and other news
  • Expanded coverage of Jewish mysticism and meditation, which has become increasingly popular in recent years
  • New coverage on Jewish views of morality, including birth control, homosexuality, and environmental concerns
  • Revised recipes for traditional Jewish cooking, updated key vocabulary, and Yiddish phrases everyone should know
  • Jews have long spread out to the corners of the world, so there are significant Jewish communities on many continents. Judaism For Dummies offers a glimpse into the rituals, ideas, and terms that are woven into the history and everyday lives of Jewish people as near as our own neighborhoods and as far-reaching as across the world.


    P.S. If you think this book seems familiar, you�re probably right. The Dummies team updated the cover and design to give the book a fresh feel, but the content is the same as the previous release of Judaism For Dummies (9781118407516). The book you see here shouldn�t be considered a new or updated product. But if you�re in the mood to learn something new, check out some of our other books. We�re always writing about new topics!

    Available formats-
    • OverDrive Read
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    About the Author-
    • Rabbi Ted Falcon, PhD, one of the pioneers of contemporary Jewish and interfaith spirituality, is a writer, teacher, and spiritual counselor in private practice. David Blatner is an award-winning author of 15 books, including Spectrums: Our Mind-Boggling Universe From Infinitesimal to Infinity.

    Table of Contents-
    • Introduction 1

      Part 1: What Jews Generally Believe 9

      Chapter 1: That's Funny, You Don't Look Jewish: Who's a Jew and Why 11

      Chapter 2: It's All One: Judaism and God 25

      Chapter 3: A Never-Ending Torah: The Unfolding of a Tradition 35

      Chapter 4: A Path of Blessing: Judaism as a Daily Practice 47

      Chapter 5: Jewish Mysticism 71

      Chapter 6: Ethical Challenges 91

      Part 2: From Womb to Tomb: The Life Cycle 107

      Chapter 7: In the Beginning: Birth and Bris 109

      Chapter 8: Coming of Age: The Bar/Bat Mitzvah 119

      Chapter 9: Get Me to the Chuppa On Time: Weddings 127

      Chapter 10: Stepping Through the Valley: The Shadow of Death 139

      Part 3: An Overview of Jewish History 153

      Chapter 11: Let My People Go: From Abraham to Exodus 155

      Chapter 12: The Kings of Israel: The First Temple 167

      Chapter 13: Bracketed by Exile: The Second Temple 177

      Chapter 14: The Exiles Continue: The First Millennium 185

      Chapter 15: The Greatest Horror, the Greatest Triumph 197

      Chapter 16: Jewish Buddhists and Other Challenges of the New Age 215

      Chapter 17: The Problem of Anti-Semitism 225

      Part 4: Celebrations and Holy Days 237

      Chapter 18: A Taste of Paradise: Shabbat 239

      Chapter 19: In with the New: Rosh Hashanah 257

      Chapter 20: Getting Serious: Yom Kippur 271

      Chapter 21: The Great Outdoors: Sukkot 283

      Chapter 22: Seeking Light in Dark Times: Chanukkah 293

      Chapter 23: Celebrating Renewal: Tu B'Shvat 305

      Chapter 24: A Jewish Carnival: Purim 309

      Chapter 25: From Groan to Glee: Passover 319

      Chapter 26: Spring Is Busting Out All Over: Shavuot 345

      Chapter 27: A Day of Mourning: Tisha B'Av 357

      Part 5: The Part of Tens 361

      Chapter 28: Ten People Who Helped Shape Judaism 363

      Chapter 29: Answers to Ten Common Questions about Judaism 371

      Part 6: Appendixes 383

      Appendix A: Oy Vey! and Other Words You Should Know 385

      Appendix B: A Sampler of Jewish Prayers and Blessings 397

      Appendix C: Go Now and Learn 405

      Index 411

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