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The Legacy of Anne Frank
Cover of The Legacy of Anne Frank
The Legacy of Anne Frank
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"Unusual and illuminating . . . will appeal to all who are moved by and curious about Frank's story and legacy, and everyone interested in humanitarian activism" (Booklist).

Although many books and literary analyses have been written about Anne Frank's life and diary, none have explored the surprising influence she has had on young people in countries all over the world, helping to shape their moral framework and giving them critical life skills. This is due in part to the merits of a traveling exhibition created by the Anne Frank House in Amsterdam in 1985, which has so far been seen by over nine million people. The Anne Frank exhibition, along with its innovative educational and cultural activities, has circumnavigated the globe many times.

In this fascinating study, Gillian Walnes Perry explores the various legacies of Anne Frank's influence. She looks at the complex life of Anne Frank's father and the motivations that powered his educational philosophy. She shares new insights into the real Anne Frank, personally gifted by those who actually knew her. Global icons such as Nelson Mandela and Audrey Hepburn relate the influence that Anne Frank had on shaping their own lives.

This book presents—all in one place and for the very first time—the inspirational stories of a diverse variety of people from all over the world, brought together by the words of one particularly articulate and inspiring teenage victim of the Holocaust.
"Unusual and illuminating . . . will appeal to all who are moved by and curious about Frank's story and legacy, and everyone interested in humanitarian activism" (Booklist).

Although many books and literary analyses have been written about Anne Frank's life and diary, none have explored the surprising influence she has had on young people in countries all over the world, helping to shape their moral framework and giving them critical life skills. This is due in part to the merits of a traveling exhibition created by the Anne Frank House in Amsterdam in 1985, which has so far been seen by over nine million people. The Anne Frank exhibition, along with its innovative educational and cultural activities, has circumnavigated the globe many times.

In this fascinating study, Gillian Walnes Perry explores the various legacies of Anne Frank's influence. She looks at the complex life of Anne Frank's father and the motivations that powered his educational philosophy. She shares new insights into the real Anne Frank, personally gifted by those who actually knew her. Global icons such as Nelson Mandela and Audrey Hepburn relate the influence that Anne Frank had on shaping their own lives.

This book presents—all in one place and for the very first time—the inspirational stories of a diverse variety of people from all over the world, brought together by the words of one particularly articulate and inspiring teenage victim of the Holocaust.
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About the Author-
  • Gillian Walnes Perry co-founded the Anne Frank Trust UK in 1990, along with family and friends of Anne Frank's father, Otto Frank. In 2010, she was awarded an MBE for her work in education. She has spent time with many people who knew Anne Frank personally, and educators from all over the world who have tirelessly been perpetuating the powerful messages of Anne's life and writing. After 26 years of building the Anne Frank Trust, she retired as the charity's Executive Director in 2016. She now lectures and writes about the life and legacy of Anne Frank, as well as a range of popular social history topics.
  • Booklist

    December 1, 2018
    Anne Frank has become a global icon in the decades since her death by genocide, her story and writings transformed into symbols of the quest for universal human rights. Educator Perry has spent almost three decades at the center of that endeavor as cofounder of the UK-based Anne Frank Trust, which pursues these goals through traveling exhibitions, education, and outreach. In her first book, she presents an overview of Frank's life and death but focuses primarily on the history of the trust. She explains how the trust has learned to emphasize parallels between Frank's ideas and circumstances and those of young people today, especially in conflict zones, to empower them to fight against discrimination and prejudice. She also includes stories of her own relationships with Holocaust survivors, including Anne's father, Otto Frank, and recounts the trust's work to enlist eminent figures from the worlds of politics and human rights in its cause. This unusual and illuminating book will appeal to all who are moved by and curious about Frank's story and legacy and everyone interested in humanitarian activism.(Reprinted with permission of Booklist, copyright 2018, American Library Association.)

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The Legacy of Anne Frank
The Legacy of Anne Frank
Gillian Walnes Perry
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