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When It's Over
Cover of When It's Over
When It's Over
A Novel
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Coming of age in Prague in the 1930s, Lena Kulkova is inspired by the left-wing activists who resist the rise of fascism. She meets Otto, a refugee from Hitler's Germany, and follows him to Paris to work for the Republican side in the Spanish Civil War. As the war in Spain ends and a far greater war engulfs the continent, Lena gets stuck in Paris with no news from her Jewish family, including her beloved baby sister, left behind in Nazi-occupied Czechoslovakia. Otto, meanwhile, has fled to a village in England, and urges Lena to join him, but she can't obtain a visa.
When Lena and Otto are finally reunited, the safe haven Lena has hoped for doesn't last long. Their relationship becomes strained, and Lena is torn between her loyalty to Otto and her growing attraction to Milton, the son of the eccentric Lady of the Manor. As the war continues, she yearns to be reunited with her sister, while Milton is preoccupied with the political turmoil that leads to the landslide defeat of Churchill in the 1945 election.
Based on a true story, When It's Over is a moving, resonant, and timely read about the lives of war refugees, dramatic political changes, and the importance of family, love, and hope.
Coming of age in Prague in the 1930s, Lena Kulkova is inspired by the left-wing activists who resist the rise of fascism. She meets Otto, a refugee from Hitler's Germany, and follows him to Paris to work for the Republican side in the Spanish Civil War. As the war in Spain ends and a far greater war engulfs the continent, Lena gets stuck in Paris with no news from her Jewish family, including her beloved baby sister, left behind in Nazi-occupied Czechoslovakia. Otto, meanwhile, has fled to a village in England, and urges Lena to join him, but she can't obtain a visa.
When Lena and Otto are finally reunited, the safe haven Lena has hoped for doesn't last long. Their relationship becomes strained, and Lena is torn between her loyalty to Otto and her growing attraction to Milton, the son of the eccentric Lady of the Manor. As the war continues, she yearns to be reunited with her sister, while Milton is preoccupied with the political turmoil that leads to the landslide defeat of Churchill in the 1945 election.
Based on a true story, When It's Over is a moving, resonant, and timely read about the lives of war refugees, dramatic political changes, and the importance of family, love, and hope.
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About the Author-
  • Barbara Ridley was raised in England but has lived in California for more than thirty years. After a successful career as a nurse practitioner, which included publication in numerous professional journals, she is now focused on creative writing. Her work has appeared in literary journals, such as The Writers Workshop Review, Still Crazy, Ars Medica, The Copperfield Review, and BLYNKT. This is her first novel. Ridley lives in the San Francisco Bay Area with her partner and her dog, and has one adult daughter, of whom she is immensely proud. Find her online at
  • Booklist

    August 1, 2017
    In extraordinary times, a single decision can mean the difference between life and death. At the outbreak of WWII, Lena Kulkova, a young Jewish woman, is waiting for her sister to join her in Paris from their home in Nazi-occupied Czechoslovakia. But she waits so long that she finds it nearly impossible to get a visa to leave. Only a special intervention from Otto, an outspoken socialist, allows her to join him in England. But the young couple's difficulties are far from over, as this meticulously drawn novel unfolds over the course of the war. Ridley, who based the book on details from her mother's life and her father's letters, highlights the growing distance between Otto and Lena as he becomes more withdrawn and contentious and she finds herself unavoidably attracted to a dashing young soldier. Meanwhile, there is only disquieting silence from those left behind in Prague. Laden with detail, When It's Over brings the forces of history to a very human level.(Reprinted with permission of Booklist, copyright 2017, American Library Association.)

  • Historical Novel Society " was intriguing, yet heartbreaking, to read about the war from the perspective of those who are safe but whose families are trapped."
  • East BayTimes "...a haunting story of love and loss, politics and prejudice."
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    She Writes Press
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When It's Over
When It's Over
A Novel
Barbara Ridley
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